Successful and seasoned C-suite executives, VC’s and private equity investors work with Tricia to accelerate growth and improve organizational efficiency. They often have experience outsourcing for strategic guidance, yet lack deep marketing, brand and customer expertise. They might be small, fast-growing or even mature organizations that may not need the firepower of a full-time Chief Marketing Officer. Their companies may have grown beyond proof of concept, but they now need a strategic partner to help break through the holding pattern and set a path for long-term sustained growth and market relevance.
They need a North Star.
Tricia’s clients often have a noteworthy level of accomplishment but now feel stuck. They seek revenue growth but lack marketing leadership as existing marketing programs are not triggering sales.
Business leaders should call Tricia when:
They seek to grow revenue
They lack a concrete plan for how to grow their business and aren’t sure how to hold leaders accountable
They have a new product that solves a customer problem but aren't sure how to bring it to market
They have had success with their product(s) and seek to expand geographies
Their revenue has plateaued and they’re not sure what to do to get it growing again
Their leaders are all working hard, but sometimes it feels like there is a lack of alignment and they seem to be working on competing priorities
They lack marketing leadership
They haven’t really invested in marketing but think they should and don’t know where to start
They are spending money on marketing but lack a cohesive plan and aren't sure the various tactics are working in unison or towards the same goal
They don’t really know what their marketing team does, how to evaluate marketing’s impact on the business or how the team should be structured
Their marketing communications don't seem to be resonating with customers
They are spending money to work with marketing partners, agencies and vendors but aren't sure they are the right ones and haven't really evaluated what they are doing
They have heard of this concept of ‘brand’ and are intrigued by what it can do for their business, but don’t really know what it means
If any of these scenarios resonate with you, it’s probably time to pause in the chaos and look beyond the day-to-day demands of operating the business. Doing so now can help ensure you leap forward in growth using sustainable, practical and proven methods that raise the entire organization’s focus, productivity and success.

“She takes disparate information and ideas around customers and products and pulls it all together in a very digestible, strategic plan.”